There is nothing quite as valuable to us as spending time with our clients.
Our new Client Appreciation
Event Series is an opportunity for us to show our deep gratitude for the trust clients have placed in us; and also get to know potential clients who are interested in learning about the benefits of our
financial services.
Local Clients: Reach out to find out how you can become an Event Host. You'll enjoy a great evening with friends, complete with a custom in-home dining experience provided by a superb, local farm-to-table chef. On Us!
If you are interested in attending a Client Event, we would love to hear from you. We have both virtual and in-person events coming up.
not theory
At our events, you'll hear facts, not theory. You'll learn strategies designed to help. There is NO cost or obligation, and nothing will be sold. Just fun, informative gatherings, and we believe time well spent.
During our Client Appreciation Events, we discuss:
- Comprehensive Financial Planning
- Taxes and Retirement
- Generational Stewardship
- 401 (k) / IRA / Roth IRA
- Investment Strategy / Wealth Management
- Social Security Maximization